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So you want to be a writer

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

When I first thought of writing a book, the idea was daunting. Having spent my entire life reading books, especially romantic fiction, I had fallen in love with the written word from an early age and always wondered whether I could replicate some of what I was reading. One of my favorite activities after reading a particularly enjoyable book was to imagine the follow-up in my head. I would continue with the lives of the characters and allow their story to play out, sometimes imagining their lives years into the future. Putting it all down on paper, however, seemed impossible and I never actually believed I could do it.

Some years ago I started to develop the idea for a novel. As the characters took shape in my head I also began to make notes about them, until eventually, I began to write the story. It underwent many changes and gave me many hours of struggle as I fought to let the story make sense while staying true to the original concept, but finally, the day came when I finished the final chapter and contacted my publisher. There is no way that I can put into words the feeling of accomplishment and pride I felt when I realized that I had finally done it.

You too may have the dream of one day becoming a writer. Perhaps you have the idea but don't know where to start, or you've started and felt like giving up because it's not making sense and you're beginning to doubt your writing abilities. I encourage you not to give up because if you can dream it, you can achieve it. There are so many tools and resources available online to help you, no matter where you are on your journey, and I want to bring them to you here. If you're a first-time writer trying to get started, or you already started but feel like you've hit a dead-end, this blog is for you. I will be sharing lots of tips and ideas for writers to help you make the most of your writing career, whether it's just a hobby or full-time pursuit.

Be sure to subscribe to my blog to get the latest tips and advice to keep you motivated and inspired as you create your writing masterpiece. Together, we will travel this exciting path and bring out your passion for the written word.

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